Join Our Community

Sharing Jesus Christ with Others

Have you been looking for a place to call Home?

If you haven’t already, we invite you to take some time to get to know the communities of Annunciation, St. Joseph, St. Jude and St. Patrick Parishes.  There are so many wonderful ministries to discover and great ways to grow in your faith.  If you reach a point where you would like to get more connected and become a member, we welcome you!

Members of the Quad-Parishes are invited to live out our mission to Find Home, Hope and Holiness and to help others Find Home, Hope and Holiness as well. A stewardship spirituality invites us to be mindful, prayerful, grateful, gracious, committed and accountable as we consider how God has called us to share our time, treasure and talents.

Annunciation, St. Joseph, St. Jude and St. Patrick Parishes are vibrant faith communities because people, just like you, are sharing their unique gifts and resources in amazing ways!  As a member, we will ask that you reflect on how God might be calling you to share your unique gifts with our parishes and neighborhoods.  Through engagement and participation we continue to grow as vibrant parishes sharing Jesus Christ with others.

To continue on your way to becoming a member, contact the Quad-Parish Business Office at 920-496-2160 and discover how God might be calling you to Share Your Gifts at the Quad-Parishes!


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