All For Us – Nancy Lemerond
March 15, 2020
As I write this, my husband and I have returned from a weekend with our children, their spouses and the grandchildren. We were together to celebrate our youngest grand-son’s 3rd birthday.
Saturday morning the day of the party, Marshall was awake at 3:30 am, too excited to sleep. He had requested a rainbow cake with multi colored layers, and storybook characters which he helped place on top. The party was held at a restaurant with a specially designed small scale bowling alley for children and families. His cousins and friends were there, along with many of the familiar faces dear to him since his birth. While the adults visited, the children wore themselves out with abandon on the lanes. When it came time for the lighting of the birthday candles and the singing of Happy Birthday, Marshall was so excited he was beaming. He could hardly contain his wonder and excitement that this was all for him.
Lent is always a time for reflection. As we recall the Passion, Crucifixion and sacrifice of Christ, we are reminded that he gave everything for us. Our second reading today talks of us having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that does not disappoint. We can be assured that no matter what difficulties we face, we can hold on to that hope. Just like Marshall’s reactions to the awesomeness that “this was all for him,” I am reminded that Jesus’ sacrifice was all for me, for each one of us.
The Bible tell us: What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him, this God has revealed to us through the Spirit. – 1 Corinthians 2:6-10
What wonder and excitement await us on our homecoming when we find ourselves in His presence. I suspect it will be a party like no other. We are blessed. We are redeemed.
May this Lent bring you peace.
Nancy Lemerond
Quad-Parish Music Coordinator