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United in the Trinity – Father Tony

May 27, 2021

My friends: we’re so blessed again to celebrate not an event in Jesus’ life like the Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost Day but a proclamation of the central mystery of our Christian faith and life that we adore one God in 3 distinct persons whom we popularly call the TRINITY – The Triune God.

This devotion to the Trinity – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – arose quickly in response to the various heresies – false teachings and controversies that began in the 4th and 5th centuries against the Trinitarian Doctrine.

It was in 1334 that Pope John XXII declared it a feast in the universal calendar after the Pentecost as a grateful looking back at the completed mystery of salvation accomplished by the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit.

We always proclaim the Trinity every time we make the sign of the cross uttering reverently the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Also, as we recite the CREED, we’re able to recognize God the Father as the creator, the Son – our Lord Jesus Christ – born of the Virgin Mary, the Holy Spirit – the giver of life. The truth is: we should never attempt to search the Bible for the term “Trinity” for we shall be searching in vain.

The name “Trinity” was coined by the Fathers of the Church at the height of those heresies and controversies
against the Trinity to keep Catholics focused on this awesome mystery.

The 3 persons – TRI – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – co-equal in majesty with each other yet distinct with each other and UNITAS meaning unity – One God, one Lord, united in substance. That’s why we call our God the Triune God!

Invoking the Triune God will keep us constant and faithful to His commandments.

Fr. Tony


Let St. Patrick intercede for us in loving and serving the Trinity:
I bind unto myself the Name
The strong Name of the Trinity
By invocation of the same.
The three in One and One in three.
Eternal Father, Spirit, Word;
Praise to the Lord of my salvation.