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Dear Quad Parish Parishioners – Fr. Tony

February 25, 2021

Dear Quad Parish Parishioners,

Rend your hearts not your garments and return to the Lord, your God.” (Joel 2, 13)

As we experience the ambience of Lent in the whole of Christendom, we make this season a special time – a memorable time – that will set the tone for the rest of the year 2021 – through spring, summer & fall.

With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we focus ourselves in turning toward Jesus – our Lord and Savior and live out our baptismal vocation through loving words and deeds.

As we journey with each other to the mountain of Easter, we need to practice patience, thoughtfulness and discernment so that we could share intimately in the Paschal Mystery of our Lord – His Passion, Death & Resurrection.

We strive to deepen our engagement with God’s Word in Scriptures on a daily basis – reflecting and praying with it; allowing the Holy Spirit to enkindle in us the fire of divine love.

In this way, we open our hearts to renew our relationship with God our Father and engage Him in an intimate conversation so that we could discern His Will for us.

St. Augustine once said: “God is the one who is closer to us than we to ourselves.” This means that every moment of every day becomes a golden opportunity striving to pray better each day. For at the end of the day, God knows and understands the challenges we face this Lenten Season and gives us an open invitation to experience His love and mercy as He journeys with us in our struggles and pains.

Pope Francis tweeted that to understand God’s plan for our lives, let us seek to strengthen our relationship with Him through prayer. Thus, we will discover that God is a compassionate Father who always takes care of us.

Let this season move us to come to terms with ourselves: how we approach our lives of prayer, handle our finances, check our relationships with our families and friends and any other pressing issues we have right now leading us into the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Let’s be witnesses to our love and imitation of Christ by special care and assistance to the sick, the poor, the underprivileged, the imprisoned, the bedridden, the discouraged, the lowly and persons of other color, nationalities or backgrounds than our own.(Pastoral Statement on Penitential Observances)

Let’s be on board in responding to the Lord’s call: “Repent and believe in the Gospel!”


Fr. Tony