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Perseverance in Prayer – Sr. Pat Clement

October 18, 2019

Today’s readings are interesting. Think of Moses (who is very old by now) standing on top of the hill. As long as he holds his hands in the air, Joshua and his men are winning the battle. It’s no surprise that Moses couldn’t hold his hands up all day without help. In God’s plan we are asked to work together for the good of all.

In the second reading Paul exhorts Timothy not to get discouraged but to continue to preach the word he received from his teachers. And so, we too have continued that practice of teaching our children and grandchildren about God’s great love.

In the Gospel Jesus is urging and challenging us to look deeper to get a better understanding of God. Like the widow we turn to God in prayers of petition all the time, unless we’ve given up on God. God isn’t our personal servant or puppet. God said ask, and we answer “we did,” and all we get is silence.

Think of your children if you have them. When they could literally speak did you always do what they wanted the first time they asked you for something? Did you give-in the second time or the 15th time? Why did it take you so long to answer their pleas? You wanted something much more valuable and richer for them. You wanted them to understand that material things bring delight for a little while but relationships bring a deep joy that nourish the spirit like water nourishes the parched earth, not just for a little while but for a lifetime.

So too God loves us so much that God delights in answering our prayers. But when God answers our prayers God gives us far more than we asked for and always what we get is far better than our initial request. You see, what God really wants is to stay in relationship with us all the time. God wants us to develop so much confidence in this relationship, that we never stop trusting that God always hears and answers our prayers.

God isn’t unjust like the judge in the parable. God is SO BIG and generous, our little, finite minds don’t get it. Jesus asks his apostle Phillip, “Have I been with you so long a time and still you do not know me?” Jesus has been with us over 2000 years and still we do not know him!

If you feel the Spirit calling you to do something more, to come and see, it’s not too late join one of our bible studies. We just started Acts of the Apostles. Those first disciples teach us so much about how to find Jesus in our daily challenges & struggles.

To learn more about adult classes call the parish office at 496-2160.

Have a great week. Count your blessings and answered prayers every day!
Blessings on you,
Sister Pat